Monday, August 30, 2010

This Is From An Amusement Park

Am I the only one that has strange visions of Shirley Jackson and "The Lottery" when I see this pic?

When I was in high school we were assigned The Lottery and another dystopian short story about people who "win" tickets to an amusement park where every ride could be your last. I can't remember the title, but this photo is of that freakshow, I'd bank on it.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Supposedly . . .

This is a sad and crying clown . . .

Sad is one word . . . (creepy and cretinous are two others) and I don't know whether to laugh or cry. So, I guess the artist knew of what she spoke . . .

Saturday, August 28, 2010

This Is The Last Face You'll Ever See . . .

If you voluntarily get into a gray panel van with tinted windows and two rolls of duct tape on the dashboard.

Take that as a warning!

Friday, August 27, 2010


This painting is one of those awesomely bad WTF moments when you wonder what possessed, not only the artist, but the person who sat for the artist, and the person who paid the artist. #landfillmusthavebeenclosed

Nice to know that bad clown art apparently knows no racial bounds.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mom Alert! This Is What Happens When . . .

You let your kid spend too much "alone time" with clowns when he was little.

Clowns, don't let this happen to someone you love!

From the awesomeness that is the Vice Magazine Dos and Don't section.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Neeto Keeno . . .

Or maybe not . . .

I'm sorry, but to me, his expression says, "I wonder if that girl in the first row is wearing underwear . . ."

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I Heart This Cartoon . . .

It explains so much . . .

Borrowed from "Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal," a totally whack comic that I follow (and I apologize, I forgot to write down the run date of the original comic, blame the clowns!). Check it out!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Rib Tickling Adventures . . .

Tobo is a happy clown. A very happy clown. Don't you want to have your ribs tickled by Tobo? C'mon, you know you do . . .

You wouldn't want to make Tobo unhappy, would you . . .

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Clowns As Role Models . . .

Dress badly, smily scarily, and torment small animals . . .

I hope the next figure in the series is "Dog Castrating Clown."

Old School . . .

None of the abstract allegorical clownery of the last entry. Just a straight up clown with a sledge hammer. Low tech, old school, you might even have a chance to escape.

Look at those eyes and that smile . . . escape? Not a freaking chance!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cwap . . .

I'm speechless. All the jokes I am thinking really just pale in the blistering glow of awfulness this painting radiates.

If you think of any good jokes, please leave them in the comments!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Oh All Right . . .

One more . . . (:

Part two of the six clown suite. I like the homeless grunge Clockwork Orange psychopath thing the artist has going on, don't you? Makes me feel jolly . . . not so much . . .

Thursday, August 19, 2010

This Is Part Of . . .

A six painting suite . . . Six of them . . . Each as nice as this one.

The mind. It boggles.

I really think one is enough!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Just When You Thought It Was Safe . . .

Just when you thought I had to have run out of paintings with leering clowns and vacant eyed little girls and boys, I find another one.

When this was painted he was probably giving her his address. Nowadays, it's his offshore web email address and untraceable prepaid disposable cell phone number.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hey Little Girl . . .

Want some Kandy???

The little hat. The giant ring. The gingivitis. Need I say more?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Clown Buzz . . .

Had some fun this weekend with the clown blog. I took ten of my favorites from the Creepy Clown Continum and introduced them to the world via Buzzfeed.

Buzzfeed is a meme pool where the coolest, strangest, bizarrest, funniest, and all around viral interwebz content hangs out. It's sort of Grand Central Station for web buzz.

I'm very proud and pleased that "10 Creepy Clown Paintings" is being well received by the denziens of the web. It was chosen for front page placement by the editors and had over 3000 page hits in the first 24 hours.

If you have a little web time to sink, buzz by and drop a like or a retweet. It would be much appreciated!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Yet Another . . .

Fine entry in the rarified world of "art-by-the-pound."

I see this, I think mugshot. I think mugshot of escaped killer!

Clown pictures, always guaranteed to be one of America's Most Wanted . . .

Monday, August 9, 2010

National Clown Week . . .

The first week of August every year is designated as National Clown Week. For most of the first week of August I was locked out of Blogger.

Coincidence? I think not! The ICC (International Clown Cabal) is obviously behind it!

This guy obviously has only the best of intentions!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Can You Say . . . Ewwwww . . . Part Deux

The post is get the most email about is the classic oogey I-can't-believe-it clown print I posted a few weeks back.

Well, there are two of them . . . I'm not sure if they are by the same artist. Every additional comment I can come up with is just too snarky, even for this blog. Suffice it to say, the fact that someone had this in their home just blows me away.

That said, here it is!

Clowns, just say $%^&*#$ NO!