Sunday, June 27, 2010

Clowns and Black Velvet . . .

A match made in . . .

A match made in . . .

A match made in a sleazy low-rent flea market somewhere on the Texas-Mexico border.

The only thing worse than a clown painting is a clown painting on black velvet! It doesn't even have the cache of being vintage crap! This type of junk is being churned out in Mexico and trucked up here to pollute our flea markets. The scary thing? They wouldn't do it if it wasn't selling. So, just like with drugs, we Americans have only ourselves to blame.


  1. Thank you for this important and vital public safety message. The sooner the public realizes the true horror and sickness of clowns and their bastard cousins the mimes the safer all of us will be. -EvS

  2. I need to make a correction to your clown post. But first let me say that if there ever was something vintage I cannot stand, it is vintage clown ANYTHING! Except in one particular instance. Your clown painting. Which by the way is not painted on black velvet, but rather RED velvet. Take a close look at that adorable mugshot and you will see I tell no lie. Red velvet baby! Yeah!!! Anyway, I fricken hate clowns, except for this one red velvet clown painting. He is the one and only that I would plunk down lotsa cash for. Why? Look at him? He's badass, he's gangsta, this guy is the lord of the underworld, and like Homie the clown, he'll bop you over the head if you ain't listening up when he's talkin'. This clown has got swagger. But above all, whoever Powell is, that dude, or dudette, knows how to paint some killer velvet. That is no run of the mill Tijuana painting. Powell's got chops, big time! Nuff said, I am out!
